Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lalitha Sahasranamam
Oct. 18-20 Laksmi Days of Navaratri
Listen to this each day of Navaratri, for an extra-special BOOST of Goddess Goodness!
Dr. Pillai says this about the Laksmi Days:Is poverty just the lack of money? Actually, there are 8 different forms of poverty!
Money, food, health & physical strength, children & relationships, courage, success, education and enlightenment - lack of any of these is considered a form of poverty.
If you want a fulfilling and balanced life, you need to enrich all of these areas with the help of Lakshmi. 'Lakshya' means goal, and 'Lakshmi' is the Compassionate Goddess who guides you to set positive, empowering goals for all-round happiness.
During the middle 3 Nights (Oct 18-20) of the 9 Nights of the Goddess, Lakshmi can enable you to bring together the clarity, focus and effort needed to accomplish your desires and strengthen your finances. Expect money miracles on all 3 Nights!

He has much more to offer about this subject:

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